3 kids wearing organic corduroy overalls sitting on a fence looking over the ocean with a sunset in the background
2 kids wearing organic corduroy overalls sitting on a rock high up in the hills looking over the ocean with a sunset in the background

Korduroy Kidz Iconic

Organic Cotton Corduroy Overalls

8 products
short leg overall, dungaree in colour orange made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsorganic cotton corduroy short leg overalls in a orange for kids, toddlers and infants front
short leg overall, dungaree in colour tan made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsorganic cotton corduroy short leg overalls in a tan for kids, toddlers and infants 2
short leg overall, dungaree in colour sage made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsorganic cotton corduroy short leg overalls in a sage for kids, toddlers and infants whole garment
long leg overall, dungaree in colour orange made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsorganic cotton corduroy long leg overalls in a orange for kids, toddlers and infants side view
long leg overall, dungaree in colour blue made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsgirl wearing her Kids and toddlers blue corduroy overalls or dungarees in a field of flowers
long leg overall, dungaree in colour brown made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsgirl wearing her brown Kids and toddlers corudoy overalls or dungarees on some rocks by the beach
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flare overall in colour beige made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsgirl standing on some rocks wearing her begie Kids and toddlers corudoy flare overalls or dungarees
Kids Organic Cotton Corduroy Flare Overalls
Sale price$37.50 AUD Regular price$75.00 AUD
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flare overall in colour pink made from organic cotton corduroy clothing for infants, toddlers and kidsgirl wearing her pink Kids and toddlers corduroy flare overalls or dungarees sitting on a seesaw
Kids Organic Cotton Corduroy Flare Overalls
Sale price$37.50 AUD Regular price$75.00 AUD

More information

The quality of our organic corduroy overalls or dungarees are of an exceptionally high standard. Like all our clothing they are to the global organic textile standard. The highest certification organic clothing can have. You can find more information about the GOTS Certification Standard here.

We understand many customers like to receive their orders as soon as possible. We take a lot of pride in getting all of our orders out the next day if not the same day. This however does depend on when the orders are placed. You can find more info on ourshipping policy here.